Update: Check out our x20 full review, homemade macro test, Photoshow gallery, Advanced mode test, and high ISO test.
The wait was almost unbearable. While the rest of the world seemed to be frolicking madly in the fields with the new Fuji x20 and x100s, neither had arrived in shops here in Italy. The vendors tried to reassure us, with one promise after another of a punctual delivery, and yet, there was no sign.
Now, before you go and assume that we are sick with some incurable camera fetish, you must know there was actually good reason for our desperation. You see, only a week remained before our five-day Easter trip to Venice, and in our minds, there really was no better place to test these two cameras than the most beautiful city in Italy!
Then, mere days before our departure, we got the call. Both cameras were waiting to be picked up at our favourite camera store. It looked like Venice wasn’t going to be a complete wash-out after all!
Of course, that all depends on your definition of “wash-out.” On the other side of the country, a heavy rain cloud had plonked itself over northern Italy and was threatening to make its home there for the whole of Easter. The last thing we had expected was to be surrounded by water from above as well as below…
And rain it did. Four days out of five. Torrential, cold and incessant. But contrary to our belief, the gloomy conditions made for some of the best black and white photography we’ve done in ages, though it will be a while before we regain feeling in our fingers again! Here are the results with the x20, which was the camera I chose to test. Mathieu’s photos with the x100s are coming very soon in the form of a few galleries and of course, his very detailed full review. I hope you enjoy them!